Astro Pankaj Seth

Phaldipika Chapter 10 Part 2

11)The moon sign of wife may be trine sign (1st, 5th, 9th) of Navansh sign of lagnesh or 7th house lord.

The moon sign of wife may be either exalted or debilitating sign of lagnesh or 7th house lord.

The sign where Moon has highest Astakvarga Rekha will be wife moon sign.

In same way we can look Moon sign of husband of a female.

12)As we know that every planet and sign has a particular direction. The direction of wife may be

Direction of planet placed in 7th house or

Direction of sign where 7th house lord is placed or

Direction of sign where Venus is placed.

When Venus or 7th house lord is transit through a sign which is trine(1st,5th, 9th) to the sign occupied by lagnesh in Navmasa Chart.

13) Marriage is possible during Dasha of planet associated with (either placement or aspects) 7th house house or 7th house lord.

When lagnesh transit to 7th house then also marriage is possible.

14) Marriage may also possible during dasha of depositor of 7th house lord in Rashi chart or Navansh chart. The strongest planet will be more capable to give marriage.

The strongest among Venus or Moon may also able to give marriage.

In above dasha when Jupiter is transit over trine sign where 7th house lord is placed in Navansh chart.

15) If 7th house lord is placed in debilitating, enemy sign or combust or aspected by natural malific and 7th house has also above combination then loss of wife may be possible.

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