Astro Pankaj Seth

Phaldepika Chapter 3 Part 1

Introduction of Dashvarga 

Rashi chart(D1), Hora chart (D2), Drekkana Chart(D3), Saptmasha chart (D7), Navansh Chart (D9), Dashamsha chart (D10), Dwadashansh chart (D12), Shodhashamsa chat (D16), Trishamsa chart ( D30) and Shodhashamsa Chart (D60) is comes under group Of Dashvarga Chart.

Vargottam Planet 

If any planet is planet is placed in same sign in both D1 and D9 then it is called Vargottam. 


D1, D2, D3, D7, D9, D12 and D30 is known as Shaptavarga chart. 


D1, D2, D3, D9, D12 and D30 is known as Shadvarga chart. 

 D9 or Navansh chart will give effect same as D1 chart. 

Note :Here a great clue regarding jujdment of horoscope. We have to give equal strength of D9 chart same as D1 chart. Means any yog in D9 chart will be fruitful same as D1 chart. Again we have to also check strength of planet in D9 chart.

Effect of planet in divisional chart 

We have to consider full effect in Rashi chart (D1).

Half effect in other divisional chart.

One fourth in D10, D16, D60 chart.

Note: Here also a great clue regarding jujdment of a of planet. Suppose any planet is excellent in D1 then it has 100% strength but any planet is excellent in divisional chart then it has 50% strength. In same way excellent in D10, D16, D60 then it has 25% strength in comparison with D1 chart. Means D1 is main chart regarding showing full effect, other will shows internal strength of planet.

Awastha Of Planet 

For Odd sign 

0 to 6° Bal awastha, 6 to 12° Kumar awastha, 12 to 18° Yuva awastha, 18 to 24° Pravay awastha, 24 to 30° Mrith awastha. 

In Even sign it is opposite in sequence. 

0 to 6° Mritha awastha, 6 to 12° Pravay awastha, 12 to 18° Yuva awastha, 18 to 24° Kumar awastha, 24 to 30° Bal awastha. 

Note : any planet place at 12 to 18° may be always Yuva awastha so it has Natural strength.

Hora chart 

Hora is half part of a sign. Mean one Hora is 15°. 

In odd sign 1st half of a sign is belong to Sun hora and another half part is belong to Moon hora. 

In Even sign 1st half of sign is belong to Moon hora and 2nd half of sign is belong to Sun hora.

Drekkana Chart 

Drekkna is 1/3 of a sign means One drekkna is equal to 10°. 

In every sign there is 3 drekkana. 

1st drekkana will be of same sign, 2nd will be 5th from that sign, 3rd will be 9th from that sign. 

For example we have to take Aries sign then 1st drekkana will be belong to Aries sign means 0 to 10° in Aries sign will be falls in Aries drekkana. 

2nd drekkana will be belong to Leo sign means 10 to 20° belong to Leo Drekkana.

3rd drekkana will be falls in Sagittarius drekkana so 20 to 30° in Aries belong to Sagittarius drekkana. 

Dawadhashansha chart (D12) 

12th part of a sign is know as Dwadhash amsa. For every sign it is started with own sign and end with 12th sign. 

For example in Aries 1st Dwadhash amsa strated with Aries and end with Pisece sign. 

In Virgo sign , it is started with Virgo and end with leo sign. 

Trishamsa chart (D30)

For odd sign

0 to 5° is belong to Mars (Aries sign).

5 to 10° is belong to Saturn (Aquarius sign).

10 to 18° is belong to Jupiter (Sagittarius sign).

15 to 25° is belong to Mercury ( Gemini sign).

25 to 30 ° is belong to Venus (Libra sign).

For Even sign 

0 to 5° is belong to Venus (Taurus sign).

5 to 12° is belong to Mercury (Virgo sign).

12 to 20° is belong to Jupiter (Pieces sign).

20 to 25° is belong to Saturn (Capricorn sign).

25 to 30°is belong to Mars (Scorpion sign).

Navansh Chart 

Navans means 1/9 part of sign. It is equal to 3°20′ arc. 

Navans chart is depending on Movable, fixed and duel sign.

For Movable sign Navans is started with own sign. 

For fixed sign Navans is started with 9th from that sign. 

For duel Navansh is starting with fifth from that sign. 

Shashatakansh (D60) 

60 part of a sign is know as Shashatakansh. It is equal to 30′ or 0.5°. 

For Odd sign 

Cruel Shashatakansh is 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 48, 51, 52, 59. 

Rest is considered auspicious Shashatakansh. 

In Even sign sequence will be opposite. 

Saptmasha chart 

1/7 of a sign is know as  Saptmasha. It is equal to  4°17’8″. 

In Odd sign Each Saptmasha start with Same sign and end at 7th from that sign. 

In Even sign each Saptmasha will be started with 7th from that sign. 

Dashamsha chart 

10th part of a sign is Dashamsha. One dashmasha is arc of 3°.

In Odd sign dashmasha start from same sign. 

In Even sign dashmasha start from 9th from that sign. 

Shodhashamsa Chart 

1/16 part of a sign is know as Shodhashamsa. It is arc of 1°52’30”. 

For Movable sign we start from Aries sign.

For Fixed sign we start from Leo sign.

For Duel sign we start from Sagittarius sign 

Effect of planet in divisional chart

If any planet goes to own excellation, Mooltrikona, own sign and friend sign then it is considered best. 


Parijat amsa – When planet goes to own house, excellation, mooltrikona in 2 divisional chart of above said amsa then Parijat amsa.

If in 3 then Uttam amsa.

If in 4 then Gopuramsa.

If in 5th then Singhashan amsa.

If in 6th then Paravat amsa.

If in 7th then Devlokamsa .

If in 8th then Surlok or brahmlok amsa.

If in 9th then Airavat amsa. 

If in 10then Sridham amsa. 

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