Astro Pankaj Seth

Jupiter Astakvarga And Simple Sutra

General Consideration Through Jupiter Astakvarga 

1)We may consider regarding children, wealth, Knowledge, Mantra, prosperity, growth, etc from Jupiter Astakvarga.

2)We may consider 5th from Jupiter regarding Children, mantra, knowledge etc. 

Auspicious Direction for Jupiter related acts 

Add the all four direction sign Jupiter Astakvarga Rekha. Means 

Add for East , Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius Sign Astakvarga rekha of Jupiter.

Add for South , Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn sign Jupiter Astakvarga rekha.

Add for West , Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius sign Jupiter Astakvarga rekha.

Add for North, Cancer, Scorpion and Pisces sign Jupiter Astakvarga rekha.
Which direction has maximum Jupiter Astakvarga rekha that direction will be auspicious for following deeds 

A) Making treasury house or establishment of locker for accumulate wealth

B) Performing Mantra Jaap or Mantra Siddhi

C)For prosperity and wealth

D)For performance of rituals such as feeding Brahman etc.

Auspicious time for making attempts regarding Children 

Note the sign where Jupiter has maximum rekha in his astakvarga in his astakvarga. Native attempt regarding getting fruitful if he try to conceive at rising lagan of that sign or that sign is occupied by Juptier or aspects by Juptier.

Auspicious month for Native regarding prosperity or well wishes 

The month when Sun transit to a sign where Jupiter has maximum Astakvarga Rekha that period is considered good regarding prosperity or success or well being.

Distrube Month for Native 

The month when Sun transit to a sign in which Jupiter has least rekha in Jupiter Astakvarga that month will be disturbed month for Native.

Auspicious Time For Jupiter Related Acts 

When Jupiter transit over a sign where Jupiter has maximum rekha in his astakvarga that period may be fruitful for 

1) Taking Diksha, Mantra or Siddhi

2) Performing havan and yagya for any well wishing

3) Making attempts to get kids or native may get childer

4)Getting prosperity and wealth 

5)In general good time for all sorts of happiness and comfort. Such as native may gets many types of happiness of cows, vehicles, wealth, prosperity.

Jupiter And Bhav 

1) Jupiter in trik sthan will gives good results regarding long life, victory over enemies, wealth if Jupiter has 5 to 8 rekha.

2) Jupiter will not so much fruitful in trik houses if Jupiter has below 4 rekha.

3) Jupiter has 8 rekha and placed in own house or excellation or friendly sign in trine or kendra and Jupiter is not in bad influence then native will be very famous and popular.

If in above condition native born in brahman family or other royal family or family having good social status then Native will be famous just like King.

4) Jupiter has 1 to 3rekha and placed in debilating navmasa (means in d9 in Capricorn Sign) and Saturn is placed in 2nd or 11th house then native may be fool.

5) Jupiter has 4 or more than 4 rekha and placed in kendra from both lagan and Venus. Venus and Jupiter has mutual association (means either both are in conjunction or 1st-7th to each other), native will be equal to king or having very good financial position.

6) Jupiter is 9th house lord and placed in kendra or own sign or excellation sign and Jupiter has more than 4 rekha he will has very good prosperity and wealth and name and fame.

Jupiter and Gajakesari yog 

1)If Jupiter with Moon in kendra or trine and Jupiter having 7 rekha then native will be endowed with good children and wife. He will be extremely rich.

2)If Jupiter with Moon in kendra or trine and Jupiter with 6 rekha then native will be endowed with all sorts of materialistic happiness and comfort. He will be endowed with happiness of vehicles.

3)If Jupiter with Moon in kendra or trine and Jupiter has 5 rekha then native will be getting victrory over his enemies and Native has good conduct.

4)In all above combination of Jupiter in also placed in his excellent navmasa then native will be very rich and all sorts of comfort.

Auspicious Year 

1)Add Rekha in Jupiter Astakvarga from Jupiter to lagan(excluding lagan rekha)

2)Add Rekha in Jupiter Astakvarga from Lagan to Jupiter (excluding Jupiter Rekha)

3)Add both (1+2)

The equal to Sum of all this three year will auspicious for Native.

Unfortunate person or Struggling Life 

1)If Natal Sun is placed in a sign where Jupiter has least rekha in his astakvarga then Native will be unfortunate person and struggling life.

2) Native will be always suffering from sorrows and debits if Moon has 1 to 3 rekha and Moon is placed 6th or 8th from Jupiter.

3)If lord of sign occupied by Juptier is placed in 6th or 8th and that lord of sign has only 3 bindu in his astakvarga then native will be poor and mean in nature.

4)If Jupiter is placed in 6th or 8th house, lord of lagan is weak and lagan has 1 to 3 rekha in lagan astakvarga then Native will be unlucky and having ordinary intelligency.

Jupiter Astakvarga and Good combination 

1)If Sun is placed in sign where Jupiter has maximum number of Astakvarga Rekha in Jupiter Astakvarga, Native will be fortunate.

2)Lord of sign where Jupiter is placed is excellent and having more than 4 rekha then native will be fortunated and dear to King, government or ruler.

3)If lord of sign where Jupiter is placed is placed in trine or kendra with more than 4 rekha then native will have happy family life. He will be rich and wealthy.

4)If Jupiter or 9th house lord or 10th house lord has 7 rekha and that planet is placed in kendra and bhav where planet is placed , that’s lord is strong then person will be very fortunate.

Jupiter Astakvarga and Children 

1)If Jupiter has more than 4 rekha and placed in kendra, and lagnesh in 2nd house or 9th house then native has good happiness through his children.

2)If lord of house where 5th house lord is placed has more than 4 rekha and that house lord is associated with Jupiter then his Son will be bringing name and fame for his family.

3)If lord of house where 5th house lord is placed has below than 4 rekha and placed in debilating sign and no benificial planet aspected that house lord then his son may bringing disfame or sorrows to the native.

4)If 5th house lord is affiliated and Jupiter (has 1 to 3 rekha ) is hemmed between malific planet then his son will be involved in sinful acts.

5)If Jupiter has 1 to 3 rekha and placed in own house or sign or lagan or trine but Jupiter in associated with natural malific then loss of children may be possible.

6)5th and 8th house lord is in exchange and 5th house or 5th house lord is unaspected by Jupiter and both 5th and 8th house lord has no rekha then it will cause trouble to children and grand children.

7)If 12th house, 2nd house and 5th house has natural malific planet then issue may be fewer number.

8) If 5th from Juptier and 5th from lagan sign has below 4 rekha in Jupiter Astakvarga then Native has only few children.

Number of Children 

1) Number of Children will be equal to number of rekha(in Jupiter Astakvarga) in 5th house from Dwadasaamsa (D12 chart) sign of either lagan or Moon or Jupiter or more powerful among them.

2) Another method for finding number of children 

a) Find the number of rekha in 5th from Jupiter

b)Note the planet which is given rekha in 5th from Jupiter in his astakvarga

c) Now exampted the rekha given by natural enemies of Jupiter (Mercury and Venus) and saturn

d) Again exampted the rekha which is given by enemy of 5th house lord from Juptier

e) Again exampted the rekha which is given by planet who is combust or in inimical sign

F) Again exampted the rekha which is given by planet who is lord of debilating sign of 5th house lord from Juptier.

Number of children equal to rest rekha.

Note : In this method number of issues will be increased if rest rekha given planet is placed in his excellation or own house or Mooltrikona sign.

Male planet is indicating Son.

Female planet is indicating daughter.
3) Another method, Number of Children may be equal to number of rekha in 5th house from lagan in Jupiter Astakvarga.

4)The number of children may be equal to total navmasa passed by 5th house from lagan or 5th house lord from lagan or lord of 5th house from Juptier.

Auspicious Condition For Child birth 

1)If Lagnesh, Moon Lagnesh, 5th house lord, 7th house lord and Jupiter is strong.

2)All 5 planet and Yamkantaka (Satellite of Jupiter) is placed in kendra, trine or 11th house.

3)5th house is occupied or aspects by natural beneficial planet

4)5th house from Juptier has more than 4 Bindu.

5)Date of delivery is falling between Shukla Paksha astami to Purnima.

Inauspicious condition for child birth or native facing problem regarding child birth 

1)If Lagnesh, Moon Lagnesh, 5th house lord, 7th house lord, and Jupiter is weak.

2)If above five planet is associated with yamkantaka and placed in 6th, 8th, and 12th house.

3)5th house is occupied by natural malific.

4)When emuch yog is forming.

Emuch yog 

a) Moon and Sun aspects each other ( around purnima)

b) Saturn and Mercury is aspected each other

c)Mars in odd sign aspects Sun in even sign

d) Moon and lagan has odd sign and aspects by Mars from even sign

e) Mars aspects Moon in even sign and Mercury in odd sign

f) Venus, lagan, and Moon in odd sign and odd navmasa.

5)5th house from Juptier has below 5 Rekha

6) Delivery date falls between Krishna Paksha ashhtami to Amavasya (including)

Yog For problems regarding prognency 

1)5th house is aspects by natural malific

2)5th house SAV has below 25 Rekha 

3)5th house has even sign

4)Moon in even sign 

If any one condition may be full fill then problems in uterine of wife.

(May be improved by medical treatment)

If any two conditions is full fill then it is due to Putra dosh or Pitra dosh by malific deity.

(May be improved by dosh shanti rituals.)

If any 3 condition full fill then both dosh may be possible.

(May be improved by both in same time)

If all 4 condition may be full fill then denial of Children may be possible.

(Only God will help)

Condition For Adopted Children 

1)If 5th house lord in Saturn navmasa (Aquarius and Capricorn Sign) and 5th house lord is associated with Saturn and Mercury then native will be adopted children.

2)If 5th house lord in Saturn navmasa and Jupiter and Venus in own house then native may be adopted a kids after that his natural children may be born.

3) If rekha in 5th house from Juptier is given by a planet which is placed in Saturn sign or Saturn navmasa.

Timing of Children Birth

1)If 5th house lord in placed near to 5th house, or Lagnesh then early children may be possible.

2)5th house lord placed in kendra then early children after marriage will be possible.

3)5th house lord is placed in Panaphara (2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th) house then middle age after marriage.

4)5th house lord is placed in Apokleem house (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th house) then later age after marriage. 

Transit time for kids birth 

When Juptiter transit over below sign with more Astakvarga rekha in that sign 

1)The sign where 5th house lord is placed

2)The navmasa sign of 5th house lord of D1

3)The sign where 5th house lord from Moon is placed

4) Navmasa sign of 5th house lord from Moon

5)The sign where 5th house lord from Jupiter is placed.

6) Navmasa sign of 5th house lord from Jupiter

7)The sign and navmasa sign where Gulika is placed.

8)5th and 9th from all above sign

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