Astro Pankaj Seth

How To Jujde A Horoscope According To Jatak Parijat

1) When any bhav is occupied by or aspects by natural beneficial planet such as Mercury, Jupiter and Venus and own Bhav Lord then good significant or karaktav of that Bhav will improving. But it is unaspected or unassociated with natural malific planet.

2)When Lagan or any bhav has beneficial planet(Jupiter, Mercury and Venus) and aspects by Bhav lord then good fruits of that Bhav will improving. But it is unaspected or unassociated with natural malific planet.

3)A planet in debilitating sign or inimical Sign then it is destroying natural significant of Bhav which lordship planet owns. 

4)A planet in own sign, Mooltrikona sign, excellent sign or friendly Sign then it is improving good significant of that Bhav which lordship they owns.

5) When any bhav lord in 6th, 8th or 12th house then bhav may getting difficulties to produce its results or in general words significant of that bhav will destroy.

But in above condition Bhav is aspects by natural beneficial planet then it will improving condition.

(Please note this is the rules for Viparit Rajyyog).

6)If Bhav Lord will be placed in Kendra or Trine then Bhav significant will be improved. (Note it may be natural significant of bhav applied for all bhav. If Benifical bhav then good for native because But if bad house lord then it is gaining strength of bad significant regarding native. But Bhav must getting strength.)

7)In above condition if bhav lord is aspects by beneficial planet then it is improving good significant of that bhav.( Means if bhav lord is lord of auspicious house then bhav will improving auspicious results. But if bhav is lord of dussthan then bad effects of that house will reduced.)

8)In above condition(means point number 6) if planet in placed in own excellent sign or Mooltrikona or own sign then bhav will improving good significant of that bhav.

9)In above condition planet will goes to own Varga( means own sign, excellent sign or Mooltrikona sign in different different divisional Sign) then it will also improving good significant of that bhav.

10)Bhav will getting strength if Trine or center from bhav, beneficial planet or bhav lord will be placed and Bhav is unoccupied or unaspected by natural malefic planet.

11)Bhav natural significant may reduce or bhav become weaker if natural malefic planet is occupied by Trine or center from that bhav.

12)If Trine or center from any bhav both malific or beneficial planet will occupied then bhav gives mixed results.

13)If Lord of any Bhav will goes to 8th house, or ast or in debilitating sign or in inimical Sign and no beneficial planet is aspects above bhav lord then bhav significant will destroy. And if above condition Bhav lord with natural malific then bhav produce very wicked results.

14)A planet in a Bhav will not getting strength if bhav lord in trik bhav( 6th, 8th, 12th house) or inimical sign or debilitating sign or ast or weak in strength.

15)If a planet is bad condition in D1 or Lagan chart and in navmasa(d9 chart) it is placed in malific planet own sign or inimical sign or debilitating sign then it will never gives auspicious results.

But in above said planet in navmasa(d9 chart) placed in own sign, friendly sign, Mooltrikona sign, excellent sign or aspects by beneficial planet then it may be produced auspicious results.

16)When a planet in sign whoes sign lord is badly placed then the planet owning bhav become weak.

But if a planet in a sign whoes sign lord is placed in own excellent, own sign, Mooltrikona sign or friendly sign then planet owning bhav getting strength.

17)When 2nd, 3rd and 11th from any house is occupied by house lord, its friends, its excellent sign lord then bhav getting strength.

If in above said condition if debilitating, inimical or ast planet then bhav become weaker.

19) When a planet in Bhav Madhya then it will gives full results. If away from Bhav Madhya then effect will reduced.

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