Astro Pankaj Seth

Mars In First House

Mars In 1st House 

1) Before knowing the impact on Mars in 1st house we have to know about Mars and 1st house.

2)So Mars in 1st house gives direct impact on our body physique, health, and nature.


3)Mars is dry planet so native may has lean body physique but looking stout (Mars is also karak of mussels).Native may be average in height.

4)Mars in 1st house is also indicating good physical body strength of native.

5)Mars is indicating reddish color so native’s body may be fair in look containing some reddish look. So overall Mars in 1st house is indicating good in looking and attracting appearance.

6)Mars is a fiery planet so Mars in 1st house is indicating Pitt dosh. Native may suffering from liver problem, Over heating of body, fevers type problem. Also due to over heating native may suffering from skin rashes.

7)Mars is also karak of accidents so native may be suffering from accidents such as cutting, injuring, burning etc depending on whole chart.

8)Mars is karak of strength so native may has full strength. So some time they do work beyond their physical capacity. So this may also cause of health problem.

9)Mars has hot in temper so Mars in 1st house is indicating native has aggressive or hot temper. Mars is also has violentic tamper so native may be violentic. He may show their anger.

10) Mars in 1st house is indicating they may be natural fighter from brain. Means native has aggressive brain. But they show their aggressiveness regarding violence or fighting with others.

11)Mars is cruel planet so native may be cruel from brain.

12)Mars has tamasic gun so native may be tamsic from brain.

13)Mars belong to dand nithi so native believes in punishment. If Mars is evil for native then it is indicating punishment for native.

14)Mars is karak of strength and power so native may be brave, full with self confident, full with courageous. So native will be fully energetic. He believes in action in place of thinking. So they show do or die attitude. This quality makes native impatience or inconstant type. But don’t think native has no passions because Mars is also karak of passions so native has full physical passions but lack of mental passions . That’s why they show attitude highway or noways. Their physical passions make him hardworking man or action oriented.

15)Mars is chief commander of planet so native likes independence. So they don’t like any body control them. If any body want to do this they oppose very violentic way.

16)Mars likes adventurous so native may has adventures or daring by nature.


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