Astro Pankaj Seth

Impact Of Date Of Birth 27 Or Personality Number 27

Effect of Numerology on people born on 27th day of any calendar month

1) Any person born on 27th day of any calendar month has personality number 27 and belongs to Number 9. Number 27 made from number 2 and number 7 and its total is number 9, So number 27 has natural quality of number 2, number 7 and number 9. Means number 27 has impact of Moon, Ketu and Mars. We can say like that, internal power of Moon and ketu will transform into power of Mars.

Number 27 = 2 + 7 = 9

Moon + Ketu = Mars

Internal power of Moon and Ketu = Converted into power of Mars

2) Native may be brave and courageous from nature. He has good physical and mental strength. He has strong will power. He may be adventurous and wandering from nature. He may be natural leader and natural fighter. He has such type of leadership quality so he can motivated any body.

3) Native may be emotional and sensitive from nature. He may be deep thinker from nature. He may be rigid from nature. He may be moody from nature. He doesn’t listen others. He doesn’t tolerant any body pressure. He has short and hot temper. He may be restless from mind. He doesn’t like own criticism any how.

4) Native may be aggressive and straight forwards from nature. He may be independent and idealistic from nature. He may be action oriented person and very frank in action. He may be impatient in action. He may be very centric towards any matters. He may taking extreme pain on any matters.

5) Native may be imaginative and creative from nature. He may be multi talented from nature. He may be multi dynamic from nature. He will make long term and big planings. He may be full with many sorts of original idea. Native has very good experience of any matters.

6) Native may has very good knowledge of occults and spirituality. He has capable to gain any secret knowledge. He has philosopher attitude. He has very good intuitive capacity.

7) Native doesn’t has good marriage life. He has dispute with his wife. His wife may be suffering from hormonal problem. Native may likes loneliness.

8) Native may be successful in force, police, leader or commander of any organisation. He may be getting success in administration, medical, lawyer, metals or real estate. He may be getting success in tourism or travelling industry. He may be success in film industry or acting. He may be join air travel industry. He may be getting success in journalism. He may be success in astrology, religious leader, ocults, healing or spirituality. He may be getting success in writing or philosophy. He may be success in secretariat work. He may getting success in creative team work. He may be getting success in horticulture.

9) Native may be suffering from chicken pox or others pox related disease. He may be suffering from abdominal problem, cut or wounds related issues, urinary infection, fever. He may be suffering from piles. Native may be suffering from mental issues such as worries, stress, tension, negative thoughts, depression etc. He may be suffering from head pain or block spot below eyes. He may be suffering from insomnia. He may be suffering from skin infection, blood infection, hormonal issues, or lungs related issues.

10) His lucky number will be 9. His another favorable number will be 1, 2 and 7. His lucky day is Tuesday and other favorable day is Sunday and Monday.

11) His lucky stone will be white coral. Another favorable stone will be red moon stone, red hakik, sun star stone. Lucky colour for number 27 is Red. His another favorable colour is pink shade or crimson.

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