Astro Pankaj Seth

Impact Of Date Of Birth 23 Or Personality Number 23

Effect of Numerology on people born on 23rd day of any calendar month

1) Any person born on 23rd day of any calendar month has personality number 23 and belongs to number 5. Number 23 made from number 2 and number 3 and total will be 5. So, number 23 has impact of number 2, number 3 and number 5. We can say like that internal power of Moon and Jupiter will be converted into power of Mercury.

Number 23 = 2 + 3 = 5

Moon + Jupiter = Mercury

Internal power of Moon and Jupiter = Converted into Mercury

2) Native may has attractive and handsome personality. He may attract others due to his smartness. Native may be wise and intelligent. He may be clever in acts. His way of presentation of own self may be attractive.

3) Native may be independent and ambitious from nature. Native may be multi talented. He has good understanding of situations and having sharp sense. He may be able to know others feelings and thoughts. He may be behave as per as situations.

4) Native may be polite and friendly in nature. He may be good communicator and speaker. He may be practical in nature. He may be popular among own circle. He may be getting help from his friends and relatives. He has caring nature. He may be peace lover and avoid from physical fighting. But he has ready for peaceful argument.

5) Native may has very good calculating ability. He may be clever making plan. He may be very active from mind and taking quick and impulsive decision. He may be interested in continuous learning. He may be speculative from mind. He may be good knowledge of occults, stock market and gambling. He may be expert in counseling.

6) Native may has good imaginative capacity. He may be sensitive and little emotional. He will prefer use of mind in place of heart. He loves change in life. He loves adventurous. His life may has many sort of unexpected events. He may be fickle and restless from mind. He mood may be fluctuated. He will always try every body follow his words.

7) Native may be getting success in work related to intelligence. He may be getting success in administrative jobs. He may be getting success in advisor or counselor or lecture. He may be getting success in accounting, clearcial jobs, stock market, sells, insurance, banking, writing, books, printing, communication related field, post office, telecom, postoffice, trading business, astrology etc. He may be getting success in judiciary field. He may be head of any trust or religious or charitable institution. He may be getting success in politics. He may getting success in drama and management jobs. He may be good lawyer or physician. He may be success in work related to his natural talents. He may getting success in creative team work.

8) Native may be suffering from mental issues or mental stress. He may be suffering from neurological issues or paralysis. He may be suffering from body pain or insomnia. He may be suffering from abdominal problem. He may be suffering from cold and cough related issues. He may be suffering from throat infection or dumbness. He may be suffering from cholesterol related issues.

9) His lucky number is 5. Another favorable number is 2 and 3. His lucky day is wednesday and another favorable day will be Monday and Thursday.

10) His lucky stone will be Panna or green emerald. Another favorable stone will be onax, green peridot, moon stone, yellow onax. His lucky colour will be green. His another favorable colour will be light shaded colour, light pale green or light purple.

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