Astro Pankaj Seth

Moon In Third House For Capricorn Ascendant

Moon in 3rd house in Pisces sign for Capricorn Ascendant

1)Before knowing the effect of Moon in 3rd house in Pisces sign for Capricorn Ascendant we have to know about Moon in 3rd house, Moon in Pisces sign and 7th house lord in 3rd house.

2) Native may be charming by look and emotional by nature. He may has careless attitude and lazy by nature. He may be comfort lover.

3) Native may has good physical strength. But due to his emotional nature his mental strength is not stable.

4) His younger siblings may be fortunate. His siblings has good success and earn good wealth. Younger siblings may lives in far away place from native.

5) Native may be very good imaginative power. He may be fantasy lover. He may be getting success in imaginary works.

6)Native may be highly sensitive and confused by nature. He may be speaking less. He may has hidden nature. He may be moody. He doesn’t has satisfaction regarding own work. He may be great learner through life path.

7)Native may be romantic and sensual by nature. Native may has issues regarding child birth.( I have seen in many case when 7th house lord in 3rd house, during pregnancy water leakage is possible).

8) Native has many sort distance travelling. His travelling may be related to his profession. He may be working in such type of profession where continuous journey is possible. He may be going to foreign place for short time for his professional purpose.

9) Native may be getting success in profession but a lots of changes in profession is possible. He may getting success in foreign place by own self efforts.

10) If you want to know more about Capricorn ascendant then read this link.

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