Astro Pankaj Seth

Phaldipika Chapter 16 Part 6

Phaldipika Chapter 16 Part 6

27) When ever 10th house has auspicious planet or 10th house lord in Kendra or trine, or lagnesh is placed in own house or exalate in 10th house then native will has inclination towards religious acts, he will be working and active, famous, fortunate like king and long lived.

28)If 10th house has Sun and Mars then native will be famous and charming person in the society.

If 10th house lord is placed in auspicious houses in auspicious sign then native will be brave and getting success in all his venture.

If 10th house has auspicious planet then he will do best acts and getting blessings of public.

If 10th house has Saturn, Rahu and Ketu then native will do base and wicked acts.

29) Native will getting profit according to house or planet associated with 11th house lord and 11th house.

30) Which house lord placed in 12th house or which house 12th house placed native will suffering loss of those matters.

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