Astro Pankaj Seth

Phaldipika Chapter 13 Part 5

Phaldipika Chapter 13 part 5

17) When 8th house lord is more powerful than lagan lord and placed in kendra house and 8th and 12th house has natural malefic planet then generally native will be alpayu. If he will be cross medium ayu or long life but his life is always in dangerous mode due to his gambling or dangerous acts or due to excess braveness.

18)   Add the latitude of Saturn, Jupiter, Sun and Moon. Look in which sign above results is falling.

Now consider the ayu of native via previous method.

If alpayu yog then when Saturn transit to that sign in 1st round then death is possible. If madhyam ayu then in 2nd round of Saturn transit, if drighayu then in 3rd round of Saturn transit death is possible.  If during that transit marak or papi dasha or antardasaha then definety  death is possible. If dasaha is auspicious then native may facing death like situation.

19) 1st decide the ayu khand and look if marak or mrityu karak dasha is running then look for following condition then death is possible.

a) lagnesh is conjugated with natural malefic and lagnesh is debilitated or placed in his enemy sign or combust

b) lagnesh is debilitating and associated with natural malefic and transit over 1st, 6th, 8th and 12th house or any how associated with lagna.

c) If any of above or many among d9 lagna lord, d3 lagna lord, moon sign lord, moon d9 lord, moon d3 lord is associated with natural malefic and debilitating and transit over lagan


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