Astro Pankaj Seth

Phaldipika Chapter 13 Part 4

14) In this shlok author tell us , how to know life span of Native.

1) Note the d3 lagan and Moon D3 sign

2) Note the d9 lagan and D9 moon sign.

3) Note the D12 lagan and D12 moon sign.

We have to consider all 3 separately.

1)Native may be logn lived( Dirghayu)

If Lagan sign and Moon sign both are Movable or

Lagan is Fixed and Moon sign is duel.

2)Native may has medium life span

If lagan and Moon both has fixed sign.

If lagan has movable and Moon has duel sign.

3) Native may be short life span

If both has duel sign or

Lagan has movable sign and Moon has fixed sign.

We have to check above in all 3 chart (D3,D9 and D12 ) and go with majority.

15) If lagnesh and all natural beneficial planet in Kendra then native is long lived.

If lagnesh and and all natural beneficial planet in Panafhar then native has medium life span.

If lagnesh and all natural beneficial planet in Apolklim then native is short life span.

If 8th house lord and all cruel planet in kendra then short lifed, if in panarfhar then medium life span, if in apolklim then long lifed.

If lagnesh and 8th house lord, moon sign lord and 8th house lord, sun and lagnesh is mutual friend then long life, if neutral then medium and if enemies then short lived.

16) a) if lagnesh is stronger then 8th house lord

b)if d9 lagan lord is stronger than 8th house lord in d9

c) if birth sign lord is stronger than 8th house lord from moon

d) if in d9 char moon sign lord is stronger than 8th house lord from moon in d9.

In above condition if very stronger than long lifed, if medium strong then medium life, and if weak then short life or alpayu.

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