Astro Pankaj Seth

Phaldipika Chapter 12 Part 5

Timing of child birth

25) Child born is possible during the dasha or antardsha of lagnesh, 7th house lord, 5th house lord or Jupiter or planet in 5th house or planet aspected 5th house.

When Jupiter transit trine(1st, 5th or 9th) to 5th house lord or yamkantaka then child birth is possible.

26) When ever in transit lagnesh and 5th house lord is conjucted then Child birth is possible.

When ever 5th house lord or lagnesh transit to own sign or own exalate sign then child birth is possible.

When lagnesh transit to 5th house then Child birth is possible.

When 5th house lord transit to own natal position then Child birth is possible.

27)Add latitude of lagnesh, 7th house lord and 5th house lord.

Look this in which Nakshtra.

During the dasha of vishontarry dasha lord that nakshtra, child born is possible.

When during dasha of above Vishontarry lord, child birth is possible.

During this Dasha, antardsha of planet who is associated with 5th house by aspects or placement or 5th house lord or lagnesh or 7th house lord may give Child.

28) During the dasha of 5th house lord or Jupiter or depositor of 5th house lord or Jupiter in d1 and D9 may gives children during their Dasha or Antardsha. But only strong planet will able to give Child.

29) When Jupiter transit to trine of 5th house lord or Jupiter in D1 or D9 then child birth is possible.

We have to consider this rules also from 5th house lord from Jupiter.

We can also use this to determine nature of children.

30) Add Janam dasha lord and 5th Janam dasha lord. Find the result sign. When Jupiter transit to that sign or trine from that sign, child birth is possible.

31) When Sun transit to trine or 3rd from Aadhan lagan then Child birth is possible.

When any child born with Ascendant with 5th or 9th from Aadhan lagan then this child will be very fortunate and Punyatma.

If auspicious planet is associated with Aadhan lagan then his kids will be long lived.

33) Note the sign of Moon during adhana in the D12 chart. The number of sign forward to that sign will be sign of child.

34) We have to apply this above rules ( above chapter rules) in Prashan Kundali, timing of adoption of a children, upnayan sanskar, kanya daan, first honymoon, Adhan etc.

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