Astro Pankaj Seth

Fifth House Sutra From Jatak ParijatĀ 

5th house sutra from Jatak Parijat  

1)We have to look Children, Dev, grandfather, Pitra, intelegency, Punya from 5th house.

2)The person visit to shrine may be considered by 5th, 7th, 2nd and 10th house. Any wandering to far away place is considered by 12th house.

3)The happiness of father will be known from 1st and 4th house and Sun.

4)The acquisition of children will be known from Jupiter and 5th house.

5) We have to consider happiness of wife via 7th, 2nd and Venus.

6)If 5th house from lagan has male sign and male planet then Person has prefer to workship male deity.

If 5th house from lagan has female planet and female sign then Person has prefer to workship female deity.

If Sun is associated with 5th house then native has workship to lord Sun.

If Moon or Venus then goddess Gouri.

If Mars then lord Kartikey.

If Mercury then lord Vishnu.

If Jupiter then lord Shiva.

If Saturn or Rahu or Ketu then Person will workship other deity.

7)If lord of 5th house is inimical to lagan then workship of  deity of lord of  5th house may cause loss of children.

But if 5th house lord is friends for lagan then it is very auspicious to workship lord of 5th house’s deity.

8)If 5th house lord has good strength and Jupiter, Mercury and Venus is associated with 5th house then native will be dear to king.

If 5th house lord is weak in strength and Natural malific planet is occupied or aspected by 5th house then Native will be deviod from learning, politeness, good qualities, intelegency and honour by government.

9) If Lagan has 4th house lord and 4th house has lagan lord either aspected or placed during transit then quadruped is take birth. If aspected planet is rahu or ketu then goat is born, if Jupiter, venus or Moon then cow is born, if saturn then buffalo is born.
If lagan lord in 10th house and Rahu in lagan then animals comes from legs foremost.

10) If lord of 5th and 4th house will be placed in 2nd or 7th house and aspected or conjuct by natural malific planet and male planet in kendra with male sign drekkna then animal born is monkeys, pigs, cats and like that.

11)If above drekkna is aspected by saturn and Mercury, then animals is in form of lump or round mass.

12)If Jupiter is conjunct by Rahu and any weak planet is aspected then Person born in Brahmin caste but do wicked acts.

13)If Jupiter, Rahu and Saturn is conjuct and aspected by Venus and Mercury then Person born in Sudra caste but do deeds like Brahman. In this position born of twice is also possible.

14)If from lagan or moon, 1st house, 5th house and 7th house has associated with natural benifical planet or their lord then Native has very good prosperity of all things, other wise he may suffering.

15)If Virgo lagan and Sun is placed in lagan and Saturn in 7th house then Saturn may cause death of wife. And if Mars is also placed in 5th house (means in Capricorn even exalate sign) may cause death of children.

16) If 5th house lord or 9th house lord is placed in 7th house in a even sign and aspected or associated with Moon or Venus then native has good number of daughters.

If 5th house lord and 9th house lord in male sign or associate with male planet then majority of son is possible.

The number of kids may be decided by Jupiter and 5th house.

17)If 5th house lord is placed in amsa of moon or Venus, or 5th house is associated with Moon or Venus and same time no planet is associated with 5th house, person has many children.

If 5th house is aspected or associated with Saturn and Mars then Native will has not happiness of children.

18)If 7th from 5th house has benifical sign or amsa or if the lord of 7th from 5th house will be conjunct with benifical planet and placed in Kendra or trine then Native has grandson also.

19)If 5th house lord is placed in own sign then Native has few children (alp Putra).

If 5th house lord is placed in own navmasa then native has only one Children.

20)7th house lord in 5th house, Native may be without children or without wife. Natural malific planet in 8th, 6th and 12th from 5th house, it may cause his children will be wicked and cause humiliation for family.

21)Rahu in 5th house and 5th house lord in dusthan then it may cause death of children.

22)If 5th house lord in 1st house and 1st house lord in 5th house then Native will have adopted Son.

23)If 1st and 5th house lord is placed in dusthan and aspected by natural beneficial planet then Native has one son by adoption and one by birth.

Method to know regarding child comes from adoption, Find the Varga where 5th house lord placed and karak Jupiter is placed. The class indicating by above sign will give indication where from adopted child is comes.

24)If 5th house lord is placed in Kendra or trine in a benifical sign and associated with natural beneficial planet then he will get children in early age.

If 5th house lord is associated with Rahu then Child born during dasha of 5th house lord is short lifed but Child born during Dasha of Rahu will be long lived.

25) If 5th house lord and 2nd house lord will be weak in strength and aspected by natural malific planet then even person has many wives but no children. If wife has above yog and 5th house is aspected by  natural beneficial planet then his wife has Son. If above Yog in wife horoscopes, 10th house lord is aspected 5th house then she born a children.

26)If 5th house lord, or 5th house or, Jupiter is aspected by natural benifical planet or conjuct by Natural beneficial planet then native will be undoubtedly a son.

27)1st house lord in 5th, 5th house with strong in strength, Jupiter with full strength then Native has definitely Son.

28)When Jupiter in 5th house with full strength, and aspected by lagnesh then native has definitely a son.

29)If Jupiter and 5th house lord is placed in very good amsa and 9th house lord is aspected 5th house then Native has definitely a Son.

30) Moon in 10th house, Venus in 7th house, natural malific in 4th house then his vansh is not sustain in future.

31)If lagnesh in 6th or 8th house and 5th house lord is associated with natural malefic or placed in debilitating sign then loss of children is possible.

32)If 1st, 7th, 9th and 12th house has natural malific planet and placed in varg of inimical sign then it may cause loss of Vansh.

33)The eighth type of women are not suitable for child birth barren woman, older woman, thin woman, Child age woman, sick woman, without M.C., harsh by look and speech, and corpulent woman.

34) When Jupiter, Lagnesh, 7th house lord and 5th house lord, all are weak in strength then childless native is predicted.

35)When 5th house has natural malific planet and 5th house lord is placed in debilitating sign and without aspects of natural benifical planet then Native has no children.

36)If natural malefic planet is placed 5th from Lagan, Moon and Jupiter then their may be no children for the Native, if their is no benifical planet aspects.

37) If 5th house lord is placed in Paap madhya and 5th house has natural malific planet and no benifical planet is aspected then their may be denial of children is possible.

38)If Jupiter is placed in Paap madhya and 5th house lord is without any strength and no benifical planet is aspected above then it may cause denial of children.

39)When 5th house is sign of Mercury or Saturn and 5th house is associated with Mandi and Saturn then Native will gets children by adoption.

40)If Jupiter in Pisces sign then Native has few children. Jupiter in Sagittarius sign then Native will has Children after difficulty. Jupiter in cancer or Aquarish then their is no issues regarding child birth. Above results may be predicted when Jupiter in above sign in 5th house.

41) When Jupiter is placed in 5th house and seen by natural malific planet then loss of children may be due to Dev Shrap.

If Jupiter is placed in 5th house and aspected by 6th house lord then loos of children due to Sharp Of Brahmins.

42) If 5th house lord is conjucted with Mars and aspected by 6th house lord and without aspects of natural benifical planet then loss of children due to Sharp Of Enemies.

43)If 4th house has natural malific and 5th house has Saturn and 12th house and 8th house both has natural malific then loss of children is possible due to Matri dosh (mother dosh).

44)9th house has natural malific and 5th house lord is associated with Saturn and Mandi is placed in trine then loss of children due to Pitridosh.

45)If 5th house is without strength and 5th house lord is also without any strength and Rahu and ketu is aspected or placed in 5th house then loss of children is possible due to Sharp Dosh.

46)If 5th house lord, jupiter,7th house lord, and mars is associated in a bhav  then loss of children due to Evil Dev dosh.

47)If any planet who is strong in strength is placed in 5th house without any aspects and if loss of children then native will get children via adoption or other ways.

48) If lagna lord in trine, 5th house lord in 9th house and moon in malefic sign then native will get son by adoption.

49) If rising sign is gemini and 5th house lord in 4th house and in navamsa 5th house lord is placed in sign of saturn then son by adoption is possible.

50)Sun and mercury and 5th house lord in conjunction and in navamsa chart it is goes to gemini sign or sign of saturn then son will be obtain by adoption.

51) If lord of 5th house is placed in navamsa of saturn and jupiter and venus in own sign then first native get son by adoption after that he will get children.

52) If pakshbali moon is placed in the navamsa of saturn and jupiter in 5th house then native children is comes by adoption.

53) If Mars in lagna and 8th house has sun and 4th house is aspected by natural beneficial planet then late child is possible.

54)Saturn in lagna and 8th house has jupiter and 5th house lord is weak in strength and mars in 12th house then late child is possible.

55) Add 5th house lord and 1st house lord latitude and find the where this sign and amsa represent by above sum. when jupiter passes to this sum then son born is possible.

55) Add latitude of jupiter, moon and sun. Now find the rashi and amsa occupy by that sum. The number of issues is equal to number of navamsa obtain by above sum.

56)Childbirth is possible during mahadasha and antardasha of 5th and 9th house lord from lagna, moon and jupiter.

57) Add latitude of 5th and 7th house lord.  Look this sum is falls in which nakshatra, dasha of lord of that nakshatra is able to give children.

58) The dasha and antardasha of planet associated with 5th house lord and 7th house lord is able to give children.

59) 5th house lord, jupiter, and planet associated with 5th house lord is placed in dussthan or having lordship of dussthan then during dasha and antardasha of above may cause loss of children. But above said planet is associated with good strength and well placed then they give children or prosperity or power during dasha and antardasha.

60) Happiness of children is predicted if 5th house lord and karak jupiter is associated with natural beneficial planet.

61) If 5th house lord or  is placed in parvat amsa or above amsa or own house or exaltation or friendly amsa then his father will be long lived.

62)When 5th house lord and karak Jupiter is placed in cruel, debilitating amsa and associated with Saturn, Mandi or Rahu then Native may be suffering regarding sorrows related to children. 

63)If 5th house lord is placed in debilitating, combust or enemy sign and goes to cruel amsa in D60 chart, even 5th house lord in benifical but may be suffering unhappiness in fornt of children. 

64)If rising sign of Son is 10th house sign of father birth chart then Native will be virtuous like his father. 

If rising sign of Son is 3rd house sign of father birth chart then Native will follow his father. 

If rising sign of Son is 6th or 8th house sign of father horoscopes then Native will be enemy of his father. 

But if 6th or 8th house lord in father horoscopes may occupy lagan in son horoscopes then Native will be Superior then his father. 

65)Saturn, Mars and Rahu in 11th or 9th house may cause death of father. 

66)Saturn and Mars in 7th or 8th house may cause death of children. 

67)Mars in 10th house may cause death of maternal uncle. 

Sun in 10th house may cause death of father. 

Saturn in 10th house may cause death of children.

Moon in 10th house may cause death of mother. 

68) If lord of 5th house is strong, lord of 1st and 4th house and Moon is weak in strength, then his mother may die during next child delivery. 


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