Astro Pankaj Seth

Problem In Marriage Life

1)7th house/7th house lord/Venus is making relationship with Dusthan house (6th/8th/12th house) or natural malific Rahu, Ketu, Saturn or Mars.

2)4th house is belong to domestic happiness so 4th house occupied natural malific planet such as Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Mars. 

3)Sun in 7th house in D1 or D9. 

4)7th house and 4th house has low SAV (below than 24)

5)Venus and 7th from Venus has less than 4 AV.

6) Venus is Debilitating or Scorpion Sign.

7)7th house is occupied by debilitating planet or 7th house lord it self debilitating.

8)7th house lord in 5th, if not well placed.

9)Moon of Amavasya or Krishna Chaturdashi is placed in 5th or 7th and aspect by natural malific planet.

10) Moon and Venus is trine to each other or conjuct and same time Saturn and Mars is trine to both may cause problem in marriage life due to mother.

12)Venus and Ketu conjuct or trine may cause problem in marriage life for male horoscopes.

13)Mars and Rahu in conjunction or trine in female horoscopes may cause problem in marriage life of female.

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