Astro Pankaj Seth

Geenral Sutra Of Fourth House According To Brihat Parasar Hora Sastra

1)When 4th house lord in 4th house or 1st house lord in 4th house or Exchange between 1st and 4th house lord And auspicious planet aspects 4th house or 4th house lord then Native has all sorts of happiness and comfort of home. 

2)If 4th house lord in own house, own Navansh or excellent sign then Native has good Comfort of vehicle, land or home. He had also happiness of pleasure of musical instruments. 

3)If 4th house lord in Kendra or trine and aspects by auspicious planet then Native has all sorts of Comfort and happiness.

If 4th house lord in 6th, 8th and 12th house and aspects by Inauspicious planet then he has not comfort and happy life.

4)We have to look 4th house lord regarding 4th house significant regarding land etc. Jupiter is karak for happiness and Venus is karak of vehicle and Materialistic happiness.

5) When 4th and 10th house lord is associated in Kendra or trine then Native has big well decorated house with all sorts of Comfort.

6)4th house lord is natural beneficial planet and aspects by another natural beneficial planet and same time Mercury in lagan then native will be respectable person among relatives and society. 

7)4th house lord in his excellent sign, 4th house is associated with natural beneficial planet, and Karak Moon will be strong in strength his mother will be long lived.

8)4th house lord in Kendra, Venus in Kendra and Mercury in his excellent sign then Native has awesome happiness of his mother.

9)4th house has Saturn and Sun, Moon in 9th house and Mars in 11th house, native has profit of milk giver cattle. 

10)4th house has either aries/Cancer/Libra/Saturn sign and their sign lord in 6th house and aspects by Mars from 12th house, native may be suffering from dumbness. 

11) Lagan lord is natural beneficial planet, 4th house lord in his debilitating sign in 11th house and karak Venus in 12th house, native will gets happiness of vehicle in 12th year.

12)Sun in 4th house, 4th house lord in his excellent sign and associated with Venus then native gets vehicle in 32 year of age.

13)4th and 10th house lord is associated in any sign and 4th house lord goes to excellent sign in his navmasa then Native gets vehicle in 42 year. 

14)4th house lord and 11th house lord in exchange then Native gets happiness of vehicle at age of 12 year. 

15)More beneficial planet is associated with 4th house then more happiness in his life. More malefic planet is associated with 4th house then more obstacles to getting happiness in his life.

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