Astro Pankaj Seth

Bad Condition For ChildrenĀ 

1) Saturn, Mercury and Ketu is karak for issues regarding children due to their gender. 

2)If 5th house from lagan, Moon and Jupiter is associated with natural malefic and no benifical planet is aspects then it may cause issues regarding child birth. 

3)If 5th house and their lord from Lagan, Moon and Jupiter in Paap karthi Yog.

4)5th house lord from Lagan, Moon and Jupiter is placed in dusthan. 

5) Taurus, Virgo, Leo and Scorpion Sign is called alpsut sign( sign with less productivity) if 5th house and 5th house lord from Moon, Jupiter and lagan is associated with above sign then it may cause issues regarding child birth.

6)5th house has less than 24 SAV and Jupiter and 5th from Jupiter has less than 4 Astakvarga Rekha then it may cause problem regarding Child birth. 

7)If Jupiter, 5th house lord from Moon, Lagan and Jupiter in debilitating sign or not well placed then it may cause issues regarding child birth.

8)Sun in 5th house in Ta, Vi, Leo, or Scorpion sign and  Saturn in 8th house and Mars in lagan May cause delay in child birth.

9)Saturn in lagan, Jupiter in 8th house, Mars in 12th house and 5th house has Ta, Vi, Leo, and Scorpion Sign then it may cause delay in child birth. 

10)Moon in 11th house and 5th from Jupiter malific planets and lagan has many Malefic planet may cause delay in child birth.

11)5th house lord in 6th house and lagnesh is associated with Mars then problem regarding Child birth. Even only one kids with many difficulties.

12)If 5th house lord is debilitating and placed in dusthan (if from all 3 lagan then more problem) and 5th house has Ketu and Mars then very difficulties for child birth. 

13)If 5th house lord is in debilitating sign and 5th house has no benifical aspects and 5th house has Mercury and Saturn then it is very difficulties regarding Child birth.

14)9th house lord in lagan, 5th house lord in debilitating sign,5th house has Mercury and Ketu then Child birth after a lots of Medical treatment and remedy.

15)If dusthan lord or debilitating planet in 5th house.

16)If Cancer sign in 5th house and Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn alone in 5th house then may cause problem in child birth. After remarriage native may gets children.

17)If 4th house has natural malefic, Venus in 7th house and Moon in 10th house, then it is not consider good for Children regarding health.

18) If Natural malific in lagan, 5th house, 8th house and 12th house then not consider good for child health.

19) Mercury and Venus in 7th house, Jupiter in 5th house and Malefic in 4th house may cause issues regarding children.

20)Moon in 5th house and lagan, 8th and 12th house has natural malific planet may cause issues regarding child birth.

21)If Malefic planet in lagan, lagan lord in 5th house, 5th house lord in 3rd house, and Moon in 4th house, may cause issues regarding child birth. 

22) If Moon in odd sign and off Navansh in 5th house and aspected by Sun  then lack of happiness regarding Children. 

23)If Mandi and Saturn is placed in 5th house or aspects 5th house and 5th house has sign of Mercury and Saturn then issues regarding child birth.

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