Astro Pankaj Seth

Samudayak Astakvarga And Simple Sutra 

Simple Consideration 

As we know that any planet has maximum 8 rekha in a sign. So for 7 planet maximum SAV will be 56.
1)The sign where more than 30 SAV rekha is considered best regarding auspicious results.

2) The sign where 25 to 30 SAV rekha is considered average for giving auspicious results.

3)The sign where less then 25 SAV rekha is considered least auspicious.

4)If any sign has 18 or less SAV rekha then it is considered very bad and always gives sorrows related to that bhav.

Simple Transit Concept

1)If any planet transit to a sign where more than 30 SAV then he gives very auspicious results.

If transit to a sign where 25 to 30 rekha then gives average results.

If transit to a sign where less then 25 SAV rekha then results is not so much favorable.

If transit to a sign where 18 or less SAV rekha then it must bring sorrows for native.

Sudarshan chakra Method And SAV 

We know that in Sudarshan chakra Method we are assuming 1st house is activated in running 1st year, 2nd house in 2nd running year, 3rd house in 3rd running year and so on 12th house is activated in 12th running year. After that in 13th year again 1st house is activated and so on in 24 year 12th house is activated. Again 25 the year 1st house is activated and this circle may continue in same manner. So

1) Any running year has more than 30 rekha then that year will be good for native. And native will enjoy Comfort and happiness. He will gets good fruits of bhav which is currently activated.

2)Any running year has 25 to 30 SAV rekha then that year will be average for native regarding happiness and Comfort.

3)Any running year has less then 25 SAV rekha then that year will be not so much favorable for native. Native may be suffering regarding that’s bhav matters.

4)Any running year has 18 or less then 18 year then that year will bring so much difficulties and sorrows for native regarding that bhav significant.

5)If any bhav has Natural benificial planet then that that running year will give happiness and Comfort.

6)If any bhav has Natural malific planet that running year will bring discomfort and sorrows.

7)If both malific and benificial planet then that running year will bring mixed results.

8)If any sign has excellent, own sign lord, Mooltrikona lord is placed then that running year will bring name, fame, power and position.

9)If any bhav has debilating planet, enemy planet, combust planet then that running year may bring sorrows, disease and dishappiness.

10) But all point from 5 to 9  will apply with point 1 to 4.

Strength regarding Giving auspicious results 

Planet will give auspicious results during dasha or transit or during own activation if they full fill following conditions

1) Planet has more astakvarga rekha in natal or transit sign

2) Planet will be lord of house which has more than 30 (some also take 28) SAV rekha

3) Planet where placed in natal or transit has more than 30 rekha

Then that planet produced full auspicious results.

If condition has just opposite means

1) Planet has least natal or transit astakvarga rekha

2) Planet will be lord of house which has least SAV rekha

3) Planet is placed in a house where least SAV rekha either natal or transit

Then that planet will bringing sorrows, discomfort and disease.

Planet And their body parts for finding disease 

Sun for head

Moon for mouth

Mars for thorot

Mercury for Navel area

Jupiter for nose area

Venus for eyes and legs

Saturn, Rahu and Ketu for abdominal area.

SAV and Genral combination for happy life 

If a) 11th house has more SAV rekha in comparison with 10th house

b) 12th house has less SAV rekha in comparison with 11th house

C) Lagan has more SAV rekha then 12th house

If all 3 condition full fill then native will be wealty, having good physical happiness, good Strength and become famous.
But if 10th has more rekha then 11th house, 11th has less rekha then 12th house, 12th has more rekha then lagan then native will be suffering from sorrows, disease, financial crisis, and expenses.

Importance of SAV in Prediction

Actually SAV of Bhav is indicating that bhav will gives good results or not.

Sage suggested that if any planet is strong in shadbal or placed in own varga or own sign or excellent sign or trine or kendra or upachay but that planet has least astakvarga rekha and associated with sign of least SAV then it will be not giving so much auspicious results.

But if a planet is weak in shadbal or placed in enemy varga or enemy sign or dussthan or debilating sign or associate with gulika but that planet has more Astakvarga rekha and associated with more SAV then he will be capable to give good results.

Means SAV is more importance then others.

If strong planet has less SAV or less astakvarga rekha it will reduce good effect.

If weak planet has more SAV or more astakvarga rekha it will be improving good effect.
SAV and Bhav 

1)If 9th house has 31 to 35 rekha then native will gets good fortune, royal happiness, victory over enemies, and good prosperity when his 9th house is active.

2)If 10th house has 40 rekha then when his 10th house is actives he will get good honour, name and fame, and all sorts of profit.

3)If 11th house has more than 30 rekha then native may gets good profit through business, promotion, full fill his desires, and honour when his 11th house is active.

4)If lagan, 11th house, and 4th house has more than 30 SAV rekha he will enjoy life just like King after age of 40.

5)If 9th house and 4th house has 25 to 33 rekha then he will enjoy comfortable and prosperous life at the age of 28 year.

6)If lagan, 9th house, 10th house, 11th house has more than 30 rekha then he will enjoy luxurious life at whole life.

7)If both 4th house lord and lagnesh in exchange and both 4th and lagna has 33 rekha then native will be enjoying luxurious life just like King.

8) Juptiter in 4th house in Cancer Sign where 40 SAV rekha and Sun in aries sign then native will be very rich, honorable and just like King.

9) Jupiter in Sagittarius Sign in lagan with 40 Rekha, Venus in 4th house in Pisces Sign and Mars in 2nd house in Capricorn sign and Saturn in 3rd house in Aqurish sign then native will be just like king of whole world.

10) Lagan has more than 30 rekha and 3rd house has 30 SAV rekha then native will has some political power or royal power.

11) If lagan has 30 rekha and associated with 9th, 4th, or 10th lord then he will bring fame for his family.

12)If 2nd, 9th, 10th and 11th house has more than 30 rekha then Native will be become ruler or administrative.

13) Lagan, Moon sign, 10th house and 11th house has 30 rekha in SAV.  Lagnesh or Moon is associated with Jupiter then Native will be head of town or city or minister or getting political power.

14)If Lagan, 9th, 10th, 11th has 21 to 22 SAV rekha and above house is occupied by natural malific planet then native will be dependent on others for foods and other requirements.

15)If Lagan, 9th, 10th , 11th has less then 30 rekha then native will be suffering from financial crisis, disease and ill in tempar.

16)8th house lord in kendra with 25 to 30 SAV rekha and Mars is Aspects 8th house native may be suffering from wounds, sores , and Venereal disease.

17)Moon in 3rd house and aspects by Sun and Saturn and Moon has 30SAV rekha then native will be suffering from wounds and windly disease.

18)3rd house has 25 to 30 SAV rekha and aspected by Saturn then he will be suffering from urinary disorders.

SAV And Happy Part Of Life 

If we divide whole life in 3 part such as Childhood, Youth and old age. Then with help of SAV we decided which part is good regarding happiness and which part is considered for sorrows.

There are so many method regarding this but we are considering 2 method which is seems good.

1st method

1)First part or Childhood part – Add SAV rekha of Pisece sign to Gemini sign

2) Second part or Youth part – Add SAV rekha of Cancer sign to Libra sign

3) Third part or Old age – Add SAV rekha of Scorpion sign to Aquarius sign

In which part of life is more rekha is considered good regarding haappines and prosperity.

In which part of life is least Rekha is considered not good regarding happiness.
2nd method 

1)First part – add SAV rekha from 1st to 4th house

2) Second part – add SAV rekha from 5th to 8th house

3)Third part – add SAV rekha from 9th to 12th house

Which part has more rekha is considered good regarding happiness and prosperity.
1)If any part has more auspicious planet that part is full with comfort and happiness.

2)If any part has more malific planet then that part is full with obstacles, sorrows and diseases.

3)If any part has both malific and beneficial planet then it will give mixed results.

4) Which part has excellention or own house planet that part is good regarding name, fame, royal help, and honour.

5)Which part has debilating planet, enemy planet or combust or ill placed planet then that part will be full with sorrows and diseases.

6) Which part has more than 120 rekha is considered good for all sorts of happiness.
Inauspicious Year Of Native 

1)Add SAv Rekha in sign from Lagan to Saturn ( except Saturn)

2) Now multiply with 7

3)Now divide with 27

4)Note the quotient (if more than 27 then remove multiple of 27)

5)Now note the nakshatra equal to quotient and 10th and 19th from that nakshatra

6) Now note the reminder of above calculations. Note Nakhshatra equal to reminder.

7)When Natural malific planet (Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and ketu) transit over that 4 nakshatra will cause obstacles, sorrows and disease for Native.

8)In same manner you may apply for Mars, Rahu, ketu, Gulika and Sun.

9)Again you may also applied this for reverse counting means lagan to Saturn.

10)The year equal quotient and reminder may also prove inauspicious for Native.

11)If we done above calculations with natural auspicious planet such as Juptiter, Venus and Mercury then the year we find by above method is considered auspicious for all sorts of physical happiness and comfort.
SAV And Dharma, Artha , Kaam and Moksh trikona 

1)Add all SAV in Dharma trikona (1st, 5th and 9th). This is called Bandu part.

2)Add all SAV in Arth trikona (2nd, 6th and 10th). This is called Sevak part

3)Add all SAV in Kaam trikona (3rd, 7th, 11th house). This is called Poshak part.

4) Add all SAV in Moksh trikona (4th, 8th, 12th house). This is called Ghatak part.

In general consideration Poshak part has more rekha then Ghatak part for good financial condition.
SAV And Direction 

There is two way to calculate direction.

By Kaalpurush concept

1)East = Aries + Taurus + Gemini

2)South = Cancer + Leo + Virgo

3)West = Libra + Scorpion + Sagittarius

4) North = Capricorn + Aquarius + Pisces

Which part has more SAV rekha after combination that direction is considered good for obtaining profit of wealth.
By Sun Movement in days

1)East = Lagan + 12th house + 11th house SAV

2)South = 10th + 9th + 8th house SAV

3)West = 7th + 6th + 5th house SAV

4) North = 4th +  3rd  + 2nd house SAV

Which part has more SAV rekha that direction is auspicious for money out flow.
1)Which Direction has 54 to 70 SAV rekha is considered least fruitful direction.

2)Which Direction has 70 to 90 SAV that is considered average fruitful direction.

3)Which Direction has more than 90 Rekha is considered best fruitful direction.

4)Which Direction has own house planet, mooltrikona sign planet, excellent planet, or digbali planet is considered good for success in his work.

5)Which Direction has debilating, inimical planet or planet without digbal or combust planet may consider obstacles for his work.

6)Which Direction has 2nd house lord is placed is considered good regarding wealth.

7)Which Direction has 8th house lord is placed is considered death or problems maker Direction.

SAV And Match Matching 

1)If Moon sign of both Boy and girl has 30 sign in their horoscope then marriage will be good and fortunate after marriage.

2)If Moon sign of both Boy and girl is less than 25 then it may cause unhappy marriage life.
Best hour to consult a doctor or taking loan 

Note the sign where least SAV in horoscope. When that sign is rising that will be good period to consult doctor for curing disease. This period is also good regarding taking loan because native may also take back in least time.

Planet And SAV 

1)Rahu in 6th, 8th, or 12th house then native may be suffering from snack bits or food poisoning at the year equal to SAV of sign where Rahu is placed.

2)Mars in 6th, 8th, or 12th house then Native may be suffering from injury through weapon or fire in the age equal to SAV of sign where Mars is placed.

3) Satun in 6th, 8th or 12th house then native may be suffering from sickness or sorrows at the age equal to SAV of sign where Saturn is placed.

Income And SAV 

Add SAV of 1st, 2nd, 4th, 9th, 10th and 11th house. 

a) If total is more than 164 than income is more than expense.

b)If total is less 164 than income is less than expense.
2nd method 

Add SAV of Trik house (6th, 8th and 12th house) 

a) If total is less than 76 then native has more income then his expense.

B)If total is more than 76 then he has more expense than income.

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