Astro Pankaj Seth

Seventh House

Seventh House 

1)7th house is Know as Dara Bhav/ Saptam Bhav/Partner house/Marrige House .
2)Seventh House is 2nd Kaam House. It is also Kendra (Angular) House. It is also Marak House.
3)Karak matters — Life partner/wife or husband, Cause of Death means Marak matters, Bussiness partner, Lower abdomen poration(Including internal sexual organs),
4)Kalpurush concepts— 7th house belongs to portion of abdominal part which is below the navel of Kalpurush.
Its natural rashi is Libra(Tula) and its Lord is Venus. So it is belongs to west Direction and Rajasic Gun.

Its indicating it is related to Your body part which is below to Your navel.

So it is related to Your sexual organs, Kidneys, and other parts of body which are belongs to this portions.

So all matters or problems related to this belongs to Your seventh House. 

5)Dara House — Dara means wife. So its belongs to Your wife or Lifepartner (Husband or wife).

So its belongs to Your Marrige.

So all matter related to Your Marrige belongs to this 7th House.

Timing of marrige, early marrige, Late marrige, When marrige is happen, Dispute in marrige, divorce, Separation from partner, Relationship with partner (Both mental and physical), Misunderstandings  between partner, Happiness in marrige, Nature of your spouse belongs to this 7th House.

Further extended it it is belongs to Your moral conduct regarding sexual activity. So it also related to Your external affairs, Multi relationship, sexual desires, Love breakup.

What You expense regarding your sexual desires also belongs to this 7th House. 

6)Marak House — As 7th House is 12th from 8th (House for Your life span) so it belongs to expense of your lifespan (Ayu) or simply loss of your life span (Death). So it is indicating your cause of death.

So it is Marak House.

Planet in 7th House and lord of 7th house play important role in death.

Again it is 2nd from 6th house (house of diseases) so it is indicating fruits of disease means health problems.

Good health, Bad health or recovery from disease.

7)Partner house — Apart from Life partner it is also house for Your bussiness partner. 7th House is 10th from 10th house (House for Your profession) and its natural rashi is Libra (Tula) which is prime indicator for bussiness so it is related to your bussiness partner.

So all form of partnering bussiness related to this  7th House such as Franchisee, Chain Business, Distributorship of company, Share of Company,etc. 

8) Travel House —7th House is one of Travel house of your horoscope.

It is the house which is situated most far away from your 1st house and also opposite direction.

So it is indicating away from your birth place.

Which is in one form is your travel.

Also it is 11th from 9th house so it is also indicating gain of long travels.

So Your long travel, Your away from birthplace, wanderings from one place to other place, Journey with in journey belongs to 7th House.

So far away from birthplace also related to Forigen place belongs to 7th House. 

9) Politics —7th House is 4th from 4th house (House of democracy) and 10th from 10th house (House for kingship) so it is playing most important role in politics.

How much heights you achieve into politics belongs to this 7th House. So Your political gain belongs to this 7th House.

Are you enter in world politics, Country politics, State politics, Citypolitics, Village politics , or Other level politics regarding all this matter 7th House play major role. 

10)Fame— 7th House is 11th from 9th house and 9th from 11th house. This indicating gain in Fame and fortunes.

So this 7th House also play major role in Fame of a person.

When 7th House play a role in Fame then person may get big fame such like world famous.

11) Completion of Education —Being 4th from 4th House (House for education) this house play importance role in completion of your study.

12)Karak Planet —

Venus is karak Planet for 7th House regarding marrige,sexual relationship, and sexual desires.  

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