Astro Pankaj Seth

Scorpion Ascendant

Scorpion Ascendant

When at the time of birth, rising sign or lagna is Scorpio sign then native belong to Scorpion Ascendant. Lagna lord or Ascendant lord will be Mars. Let’s know the meaning of Scorpion ascendant

Meaning of Scorpion Ascendant

  • 1st house has Scorpion sign and lord is Mars.
  • 2nd house has Sagittarius sign and lord is Jupiter.
  • 3rd house has Capricorn sign and lord is Saturn.
  • 4th house has Aquarius sign and lord is Saturn.
  • 5th house has Pisces sign and lord is Jupiter.
  • 6th house has Aries sign and lord is Mars.
  • 7th house has Taurus sign and lord is Venus.
  • 8th house has Gemini sign and lord is Mercury.
  • 9th house has  Cancer sign and lord is Moon.
  • 10th lord has Leo sign and lord is Sun.
  • 11th lord has Virgo sign and lord is Mercury.
  • 12th lord has Libra Sign and lord is Venus.

Functional Beneficial for Scorpion Ascendant

Moon is lord of most beneficial trine (9th house) so it is beneficial for Scorpion Ascendant.

Jupiter is lord of 2nd house (Neutral) and 5th house (beneficial) so Jupiter is beneficial for Scorpion Ascendant.

Sun is lord of 10th house and friend of Mars. Sun is natural malefic planet and lord of kendra so according to Kendradhipati rules it is beneficial for Scorpion Ascendant.

Functional Malefic for Scorpion Ascendant

Mercury is lord of 8th house and 11th house and mercury is natural enemy for mars. So Mercury is worst malefic for Scorpion ascendant.

Venus is lord of 7th house (so malefic due to Kendradhipati dosha) and lord of 12th house and mars is enemy for venus so venus is malefic for Scorpion Ascendant.

Neutral For Scorpion Ascendant

Mars is lord of 6th house (malefic) and 1st house (beneficial) so it is Neutral for Scorpion Ascendant.

Saturn is lord of 3rd house(malefic) and lord of 4th house (beneficial due to Kendradhipati rules) so it is Neutral for Scorpion Ascendant. But as Mars is enemy for Saturn so always keep in mind that any evil effect on Saturn may convert it in malefic.

Marak for Scorpion Ascendant

According to rule lord of 2nd and 7th is Marak. But Jupiter generally doesn’t give Marak effect for Scorpion due to its beneficial lordship.

Venus is main Marak for Scorpion ascendant. Also due to malefic effect Mercury can produce Marak quality.

Body Physique for Scorpion Ascendant

For Scorpion ascendant, 1st house has Scorpion sign so generally they are tall in height (scorpion represent tall height). They are good in looking, having big eyes and big face. They have good personality.

Health for Scorpion Ascendant

Scorpion is a watery sign, so generally they are suffering from Kapha dosha. Mars is lagna lord and it is fiery planet so Pitta dosha is possible in Scorpion ascendant.

Mentalities, Behaviour, and Nature for Scorpion Ascendant

Scorpion ascendant native’s 1st house has scorpion sign so they may have some hidden nature. No one can guess what is running in their brain. But they are kind from mentality (pisces sign in 5th house is indicating their kindness). Their emotional level is very high (Scorpio has water qualities is indicating emotional brain, Aquarius at 4th house mind has also some water quality, 5th house at Pisces has excess sensitive emotional sign) so they are emotional and sensitive from behaviour. Mars is lagna lord so they have some aggressiveness in behavior. This aggression mix with their emotions, so they will show volatile quality or emotional violent type nature.

Scorpion ascendant 1st house has fix sign so they are steady from brain but their mentality house 5th house has dual sign so they show dual mentality. Such type of nature will create problem for Scorpion Ascendant. So they will creating trouble for own self and others. Due to pisces sign which is duel by nature, at 5th house make him fickle from mentality.

They are aggressive in speech (due to fire sign Sagittarius ). But not so much aggressiveness communicator. They have good passions (3rd house Capricorn is indicating this). They are truthful and honest.

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