Astro Pankaj Seth

Anuradha Inclinations Towards Spiritual World

Anuradha Nakhshatra

1)17th Nakhshatra

2) English Name–Gama Scorpii

3)Position–3°20′ to 16°40′ Scorpion (Vrischic)

4) Sign Lord– Mars

5)Ruling Lord — Saturn

6)Diety- Mitra

7)Symbol– Lotus Flower/A leaf decked Triumphal Gate

8)Varna– Shudra but in kundali matching it is consider as Brahman

9)Vashya– Keet



12)Enemy Yoni–Dog(Swan)


14) Dosh–Pitta

15)Activities– Passive

16)Prakrithi– Sthithi(Maintaince)

17)Nature– Mridu(Soft)

18)Gender– Male

19)Tatvas(Element)– Fire

20)Direction– Sideways(Level)


22)Lucky Colour — Red brown

23)Lucky Letter–N

24)Bad Nakhshatra(23th)— Uttherphalguni

25)Most Comfortability — Jyestha

26)Most UnComfortability– Adra, Mola

27)Vipat Nakhshatra(3rd)– Ketu Ruling Nakhshatra — Mola, Ashwani, Magha

28) Pratyari Nakhshatra(5th)– Sun ruling Nakhshatra– Uttherashada, Krittika, Uttherphalguni

29)Vadha Nakhshatra–(7th)– Mars ruling Nakhshatra– Dhanista, Mrigsira, Chitra

30)Friend Nakhshatra(8th and 9th) –Rahu And Jupiter ruling Nakhshatra — Shatbhisha, PurbBhadrapad, Adra, Punarvasu, Swati, Vishaka

31)Behavior — Anuradha is a symbol of religious and Spiritual inclinations. They used this inclinations to developed own self .
Anuradha falls in water sign and its belongs to fire Tatvas that’s why they are Emotional, Short tempered, Jealous, Secretive, Exterior, Attracting towards Opposite sex, Worrying about unseen matter, Privacy lover and always want a safeguard regarding own privacy.
Rashi lord is Mars and Ruling lord is Saturn . That’s why they have clear thoughts and logic. Brave, Knowledge, Wise, destroyer of own enemy, Leadership ability, Interest in ancient Knowledge, Dissatisfactions are Generally found.
Mitra is deity of Anuradha that’s why they are good in friend making, social, Honourable, joviality, Harmony.

32)Profession– Mathematics, Science, Engineer, Astrology, Trip adviser, Tourism, Travel, Mining, Administrative jobs ,Leader .

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